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Fibre QC


The latest update to Fibre QC can be downloaded using the link below. The current version is v3.0.42 (build date 19/01/22)

To download this file in a zip archive, click here

Installation Notes
Save the zip file to a suitable location on your hard drive and then extract the files to the Fibre QC 3 program folder. If the application was installed to the default location this will be 'c:\Program Files\Fibre QC 3'. Once extracted, update your system by double-clicking on the file 'Install Update.exe'.
The file Updates.txt contains details of program updates for each version released.

Note that the update process will modify the FibreQC3 application file.
Depending on your version of Windows, this may cause warning messages to be displayed the next time you run Fibre QC 3, warning that the file has been changed. Respond to any prompts that the application is safe to run. This should only occur the first time you run the update.